Surgeon “Dr. Zorro” carved his initials in her.
This is from Ms. Gedz testimony before the U.S. Congress
“I truly believe we have a ‘‘white wall of silence’’: hospitals protect doctors, doctors protect their peers, and in all of this, crucial information is getting lost. We, as the patient, are in a very vulnerable position not knowing if you are dead because God wanted to or because your doctor is insane.
“Please understand I am a doctor myself, and I am not attacking the medical profession. The United States has some of the most brilliant doctors and the most sophisticated medical facilities in the world. But lately, medicine has become more of a business with bottom lines, in detriment of patient care. Now it is the time to let the public know and choose who will hold their life in their hands. We shouldn’t make decisions blindly.
“We should be able to question and research. . . I wish I had that information available to me. I should have—it should have been my right, as the patient, to have this information.”
She is a dentist. Her husband is an oral surgeon. They live in Manhattan.